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The Flagler Food Diaries

Writer: Jessie RowanJessie Rowan

Updated: Oct 24, 2019

Here is a look at my college experience through the eyes of my friends eating...

Our Last Dining Hall Supper

Senior Flagfest

Pretending we belong at the Casa Monica

Crashing a poetry reading... to eat of course

Trying to study

Sometimes we brunch. Courtney's Birthday at The Reef.

Reggae Sunday


They give you free soup and a roll--the main reason we go here.

Flagler College Rollar Skating

Free coffee at Farmer's Market

Beach and Food 2014 freshman year

Taco Shop Freshman Year on the coldest Florida evening.

Ice Cream Day= Free Ice Cream at Ben and Jerry's

Nothing better than some Dairy Queen before a shopping trip to Trader Joe's

Sometimes we step up our game and wine and dine at the San Sabastian Winery.

So PHOking good.

More sushi with free soup. This was our last supper before I left... :(

My Journalism peers and professor out for our last "class" with lunch at the Floridian

Cookies before we presented at our COM oral defense.

More Pho to sho. My friends must had been in the bathroom or their smiling faces would be shown.

Out eating at Sarah's fancy honor thingy! She is a star.

More feasting featuring the honor star herself, Sarah.

I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure this was our second Thanksgiving feast (senior year)

We often craved some good Thai food... sometimes double rice.

My Peans. My best friends for life. This was taken shortly after our last breakfast together before we departed for summer vacation post junior year . (sorry food not pictured)



California . Los Angeles. Photographer 

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